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in cosmetics Global 2019


Paris Expo Porte de Versailles,75015 Paris, France, 2-4 April 2019



The Garden of Naturalsolution hassuccessfully participated in ‘in-cosmetics Global 2019’ which is the world’sbiggest personal care ingredients exhibition held in Paris, France from 2ndto 4th April, 2019.Especially in this exhibition, our sistercompanies, The Art of Natural Solution (USA) and The Secrets of Caledonia (UK),have joined all together for the first time. Also, we held the 1stNS Conference to introduce our group and share the issues on the cosmeticsingredients with our customers on the second day of the exhibition.The next global exhibition, in-cosmeticsGlobal 2020, will be held in Barcelona, Spain on 31st March to 2ndApril, 2019. All three of us are planning to have a booth together once again (BoothNo. Y70). Please visit us and see what we can provide for your valuableproducts.


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