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Arctic Kiwi Extract

#hardy kiwifruit #anti-allergic #anti-oxidant

Actinidia Arguta Fruit Extract
Anti-aging, Anti-oxidant, Anti-allergy, Anti-inflammation

Actinidia arguta, commonly known as hardy kiwifruit or arctic kiwi, is a cousin of the fuzzy brown kiwi. A. arguta is native to northern China, Korea, Siberia, and Japan and bears smooth-skinned and grape-sized fruit. The fruit contains vitamin C up to 5 times more than the content of blackcurrants and is reported to contain a large amount of citric, quinic, and malic acids, as well as myoinositol. Traditionally, fruits, leaves, and stems of A. arguta are used to treat various inflammatory diseases. Several research papers have reported that a water-soluble extract from A. arguta exhibits anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory activities.