The GNS’s solution for dull skin.
We are pleased to introduce the ATP-boosting compounds of The GNS, which enhance vitality.
StorytellingꞏRed Japanese Sumac treeꞏGallnut
Special salt from trees deep in the mountains
Korean rice, the longest history of mankind.
Super strong Millet! Millet is packed with nutrients from the embryo to deliver energy to the skin
CITESꞏEndangered SpeciesꞏSustainability
International Convention for the Sustainable Beauty of Nature
Natural bubble.Saponin.Cleansing
Herb cleansing from nature
Full of Saponin
Patent extractionꞏSafetyꞏChlorophyll
Do you think chlorophyll is not what you are looking for?
Leave all those concerns and enjoy the increased amount of active ingredients!